Eye Injuries: Protection and Prevention

Posted by: Atlantic Eye Institute in Education

Every time we open our eyes we are reminded of the remarkable gift of sight! Whether you’re watching the sunset or seeing your child take their first steps, your eyes allow you to see some pretty amazing things. Sadly, each year about one million eye injuries occur in the United States–90 percent of which could…

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woman wearing googles and hearing protection

Are You at Risk For Glaucoma?

Posted by: Atlantic Eye Institute in Education,Glaucoma

Your eyes are one of your most important assets; once you lose your vision, you can’t get it back. Glaucoma affects nerves connecting to your eye, resulting in vision loss and blindness. Regular screening and early treatment for the disease can protect your eyes from irreversible damage. Glaucoma is a debilitating condition that can affect…

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optometrist with eye chart

Safely View the Solar Eclipse

Posted by: Atlantic Eye Institute in Education

Did you forget to purchase your viewing glasses for the upcoming solar eclipse? Well don’t worry, here are some great tips on how you can safely enjoy the solar eclipse, including a way to easily make your simple pinhole eclipse viewer. What is a Solar eclipse? A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between…

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group of people watching the eclipse through special eye safety devices

The Dangers of Tanning Beds

Posted by: Atlantic Eye Institute in Education

We all know that tanning beds are dangerous, yet some continue to use them. Did you know that Ultraviolet radiation is a proven human carcinogen? The International Agency for Research on Cancer, an affiliate of the World Health Organization, includes ultraviolet tanning devices in its Group 1, a list of agents that are cancer-causing to…

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Tanning Bed

Conjunctivitis: Tips to Avoid Catching It

Posted by: Atlantic Eye Institute in Education

Conjunctivitis, also known as “pink eye,” is an irritation or inflammation of the conjunctiva, which covers the white part of the eyeball. It can be caused by allergies or a bacterial or viral infection. Conjunctivitis can be extremely contagious and is spread by contact with eye secretions from someone who is infected. Symptoms include: Redness…

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woman with teardrop in her eye

Eye Allergies: 11 Tips to Avoid Symptoms

Posted by: Atlantic Eye Institute in Education

We understand that eye allergies can sometimes be unavoidable. Here are 11 tips for eye allergies that may help you to avoid the symptoms of eye allergies without having to make difficult changes in your lifestyle. What Causes Eye Allergies? Normally harmless substances that cause problems for individuals who are susceptible to allergic reactions are…

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woman sneezing into a tissue with flowers behind her

Styes: Causes and Treatments

Posted by: Atlantic Eye Institute in Education

There are three types of bumps you may notice in or around the eye. 1. A stye (or hordeolum) appears as a pimple on the margin of the eyelid around the root of an eyelash. It is an infection that originates in the oil gland of an eyelash. This can be caused by make-up, dust,…

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Stye on the upper eyelid