Say Goodbye to Winter Dry Eyes

Posted by: Atlantic Eye Institute in Dry Eye

      As we enter the winter season, it’s vital to understand the widespread issue of dry eyes. Cold, harsh winter winds, dry outdoor air, and indoor heating all contribute to this condition. These abrupt atmospheric changes lead to moisture evaporation inside your eyes, as your tear glands struggle to produce fluid quickly enough…

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July is Dry Eye Awareness Month

Posted by: Atlantic Eye Institute in Dry Eye

 July is National Dry Eye Awareness Month. It’s important to understand that dry eye disease, a multifactorial condition, affects a significant portion of the population, with an estimated 25 million people in the United States alone. Despite its prevalence, it’s often under-recognized and under-diagnosed. We aim to equip you with the knowledge that could make…

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July is Dry Eye Awareness Month

Eye Drops And Contact Lenses

Posted by: Atlantic Eye Institute in Dry Eye

Contact lenses are a popular option for people requiring prescriptive lenses, but they also elevate the risk of dry eye and general eye irritation. Using the right eye drops, safe for contact lens wearers, is essential to protect the future health of your eyes and vision. Eye Drops Soothe Contact Lens Irritation Because contact lenses…

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eye drops and contact lenses

Dry Eyes After Menopause: Prevention & Relief

Posted by: Atlantic Eye Institute in Dry Eye

Menopause is associated with a range of side effects as a woman’s hormones find their way back into balance. In addition to the infamous hot flashes, mood swings, or weight gain, many women experience dry eyes after menopause.  The changes in hormone levels leading to menopause cause changes all over the body. This includes changes…

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dry eyes after menopause prevention relief

4 Ways To Reduce Dry Eyes

Posted by: Atlantic Eye Institute in Dry Eye

By definition, dry eye is a condition caused by “insufficient tear quality or tear quantity.” While the eyes excrete more tears when you are sad, from laughter, or when you get something in your eyes, a healthy eye continually produces just enough tear solution to hydrate the eye’s surface and flush it of environmental particles.  …

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4 ways to reduce dry eyes

Dry Eyes During Pregnancy

Posted by: Atlantic Eye Institute in Dry Eye

Dry eyes during pregnancy are just one more physiologic side-effect of pregnancy. Resulting hormone fluctuations alter everything from the shape of your growing belly to changes in your mucous membranes and oil glands – including the meibomian glands responsible for secreting lipid/oil-based lubricant and the delicate membranes that protect and moisten your eye (called the…

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dry eyes during pregnancy