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Do you dream of waking up with clearer vision? If you're ready to explore your options beyond glasses and contact lenses, this could be your new reality if you qualify as a good candidate for LASIK. The team at Atlantic Eye Institute is thrilled to perform this revolutionary vision correction procedure and help patients see the way they were always meant to.

What is LASIK?

LASIK is a refractive laser vision correction procedure that corrects nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism in qualified patients. Nearly 1 million patients annually undergo LASIK to help reduce their dependency on visual aids, allowing them to see the world in sharp, crisp clarity.

LASIK works by reshaping the cornea using a femtosecond and excimer laser. Removing tissue from the cornea modifies the eye's focusing power, improving visual clarity. LASIK patients achieve better vision, improved depth perception, and better contrast, among other enhancements to their vision. If you’re considering LASIK, the first step is a free LASIK consultation at Atlantic Eye Institute to determine if you’re a candidate for this life-changing procedure.

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What Can I Expect

During LASIK?

You'll receive numbing eye drops before your LASIK procedure at Atlantic Eye Institute begins. These eye drops ensure you won't feel any pain and will be comfortable during LASIK.

After dispersing over the surface of your eye, the LASIK procedure can start. Your LASIK surgeon will create a flap in your cornea using a femtosecond laser. They then fold the flap back to access the tissue in the cornea using computer technology.

An excimer laser reshapes your cornea and removes a precise and preconfigured amount of tissue to help correct any refractive errors. Once all necessary tissue has been removed, your LASIK surgeon will reposition the flap, which acts as a natural bandage during the healing process.

Am I a

Good LASIK Candidate?

If you're ready to finally discover what clear vision is like, you may think that LASIK is the answer. However, the only way to have LASIK is to be a good candidate for the procedure. You may be suitable for LASIK if:

You're at least 18 years old
You have a stable prescription that's remained that way for a year or more
You're in good health
Your corneas are thick enough to undergo LASIK safely
You're not currently pregnant or nursing
You have realistic expectations about what LASIK could achieve if you have it
Your prescription is within the limits of what LASIK can treat
You have healthy eyes without any preexisting eye conditions except refractive errors

If you think you could be a good LASIK candidate, schedule a free LASIK consultation at Atlantic Eye Institute.

What Makes Having LASIK at Atlantic Eye Institute Worth It?

Having LASIK means crisp, clear, sharp vision, but it's more than that. Where you have LASIK makes a difference as well. Atlantic Eye Institute is devoted to only providing our patients with the best and most advanced technology. One way that we do this is by using the state-of-the-art Alcon WaveLight® EX500 Excimer laser.

The EX500 Excimer laser sets a new standard for vision correction procedures. Its advanced technology enhances the accuracy, dependability, and safety of refractive laser eye procedures. The EX500 Excimer laser integrates multiple innovative features to improve the effectiveness of LASIK and visual outcomes.

The Fastest Vision Correction Available

Because the EX500 is the only excimer laser that operates at 500 Hz, it's also the fastest. As the EX500 is the fastest excimer laser available, you'll spend less time undergoing LASIK, allowing you to enjoy your newly improved vision.

More Accuracy and Precision

Thanks to Alcon's Perfect Pulse technology, the EX500 uses exact adjustment and calibration with each laser beam while reshaping your cornea. The EX500 also features multi-dimensional eye tracking to ensure your eye is always in the correct position during your LASIK procedure.

With the EX500 excimer laser, patients only achieve the most accurate and optimal results possible, making LASIK procedures far more predictable.

Decreased Risk of Complications

LASIK patients shouldn't have to worry about complications. With the EX500 excimer laser, there's a significantly decreased risk of complications. The EX500 increases patient comfort while reducing the risk of the cornea becoming too dry during LASIK, helping patients recover more quickly.

An Expanded Treatment Range for Patients

Thanks to the exactness and accuracy of the EX500 excimer laser, there is an expanded treatment range for patients, including those who have stronger prescriptions. Even if you were told previously that you are not a good LASIK candidate, you may qualify because of the expanded treatment range with the EX500.

More Optimal Vision

The EX500 has advanced laser beam precision, allowing patients to achieve more optimal and customized vision than was possible with previous lasers. Most patients treated with the EX500 excimer laser achieve 20/20 vision or better.

LASIK Doctors

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