Atlantic Eye Institute has partnered with Sharecare to fulfill your requests for records.
Atlantic Eye Institute is committed to protecting your medical information. For information about your rights and your obligations regarding the use and disclosure of your medical information, please see our Notice of Privacy Practices. If you are our patient and would like to request your medical records, please click on the link below to complete your request for medical records. You must provide a valid email address and a government-issued ID.
Submit a Request for Medical Records
Records are usually available within 5-7 business days from the time the request is received. If you are picking up your medical records in person, please be sure to bring a government-issued ID. Only the patient, parent/legal guardian, or the patient’s legal health care representative can sign the form to release medical records. If you request records on behalf of the patient or as the patient’s representative, please provide a copy of an Advance Directive/Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare/ Conservatorship.
If you are an attorney, insurance company, or any other entity requesting records from our facility, please click on the link below to upload your request along with the patient’s authorization.